how Transformation is similar to change of Caterpillar to butterfly

Organization Transformation is slow curative process:

Have you ever wondered as to how a caterpillar transforms to become a butterfly? or the wasp that keeps the worm inside a mud cage and conditions it to become the wasp.Nature teaches us about dedicated management style. It is all about one point and being dedicated to mission.Just as what  a shared vision can do for the company to transform . Shared vision  converts the general mindset of people from "do the same thing ” to "do a different thing for our Company”. It creates a sense of commonality of purpose , of being part of achieving something purposeful and meaningful .
The process is a fulfilling experience for those employees who are  aligned and associated with the end result of the transformation  . It gives coherence to  change  from routine activities. It creates excitement and can make an ordinary company to be the most preferred and extraordinary company. It enables everyone to work together. It creates a common identity and a sense of purpose. It encourages new ways of thinking and doing . It gives courage and fosters risk-taking and experimentation.
Basically, without a shared vision, the vision the CEO spent the time to architect  becomes pointless and meaningless. Without a shared vision the learning  to adapt in the organization cannot exist. When there is strong common weaving thread in the form of shared vision everyone has a unified picture of the desired future state. People are then inspired to collaborate and work together as a team, supporting and encouraging each other. To create this collaborative environment the requirements are

  1. Committed team leader - one who encourages openness, gets rid of office politics and  helps in learning the new way of acting.
  1. A Mentor/Coach-  One or two  workshops are  not going to change behavior. Change takes time to become a willing change, to examine what doesn't work and accept a new paradigm
  1. A sound plan for Program management . To realize the best outcome the change vision mapping process is useful technique and enables stakeholders to explore and articulate an attainable “To Be” future state for the organization for next 3 years. The mapping process explores the structure, processes, people and technology elements required to achieve the change vision.


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