7 Key Success Factors -Change management

Organization Change Management -  7 key success factors:

Ksf-1:Get a strong knowledgeable lead consultant to guide  the change efforts ;Do not hire another 

 Technical Project manager, but some one who has      done years of ocm study and implementation

Ksf-2:Creating  Involved senior management team is Not enough;You need totally aligned and committed one.

 who ensures that? The CEO

Ksf-3:  Do not be stingy on training budget, people need to learn new ways .Hence a Very liberal training budget 

 and continuous training led by able trainer is must.

Ksf-4: Create Sound communication strategy which highlights long term benefits; It is not just sharing 

information about project deadlines and progress

Ksf-5:Right metrics and Continuous assessment and monitoring of progress

Ksf-6:Ksf-6 Make change meaningful to the change participant ;You need to change behavior than attitude

Ksf-7:Ksf-7 Create a sense of progress create flash mobbers to do all the PR


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