Check List on few key issuesfor implementing change effectively

Change implementation- program management  Checklist

The following list covers the wide range of change management activities  and skills expected of a

change program leaders, managers and team members and steps involved in assessing and aligning

people for Change :

Skill to Identify and justify reasons for change

Skill to face challenges of resistance

Skill to analyze and communicate Cost-benefit

Change management Disruption plans

Project planning

Gap analysis-gaps that exist between the current state and desired state.

Process to review progress of changes

Impact analysis of a change.

Knowledge of Change management processes used in the past

Identified list of key stakeholders

Change management tools.

Monitoring / scheduling the change

Information requirements to change request

Estimated schedule changes

Information included in a project plan

Techniques to prioritize changes

Define change failure indicators

Lessons learned activity when a change fails

will elaborate on each of these subsequently.keep reading


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