change is necessity not option

 Change is  a necessity and not an option.

If you happened to be in senior management role  often one hears in most executive committee meetings when topics of even small change come up  “When the going is good why do we rock the boat?” 

Many leaders  develop the frog in the beaker mentality. It is said that a frog starts enjoying the warmth of the water if it is put in the beaker with water and slowly heated up to boiling point, only to get cooked and die. Instead, if the beaker is heated up suddenly the same frog would jump out. 

Typical of companies who react to crisis and those who brush aside any outside development.(Steuben and Kodak) Business Organizations who maintain the successful run for a long time tend to  behave like the  frog with very few taking  proactive steps  to remain relevant to the market needs. Being market relevant  involves being  sensitive and having effective leadership  and the agility to be adaptive and flexible.

Shifts in consumer  tastes and preferences seem to be one big reason forcing organizations to be adapt  to market needs. Even McDonald and Coke found their sales dropping year after year and found out that the consumer preferences have shifted. Why did Coke diversify into bottled water and other drinks .?

The Second best reason is the massive improvements in information and communication technology and adaptive organizations are forced to fall in line to be efficient in not only producing  but ensuring the delivery to any customer anywhere in the world . Amazon's success is from  focus to be  on speedy delivery while keeping  fulfillment  costs down

Third is the fact that static organizations will not be able to sustain   longer. Sooner or later they  feel the pressure to grow and to enable growth one has to find newer avenues for growth which mean change.

Think of Steuben which  died because it could not be sensitive to changing consumer needs. Digital technology totally replaced traditional photography which affected Kodak. If the Internet has revolutionized the e-commerce and the way people buy goods and services; mobile technology has even further added acceleration to the process of doing business globally.



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