Change management- How to challenge the status quo

Change management

challenge the status quo

Is there a way to decipher how our brain helps to see and comprehend the world? Cognitive science and Human-Computer Interface (HCI) have been trying to find the answer to mindsets, based on research to establish the commonalities among the ways human beings and computers understand the world.

When we see and interpret the prompts from outside, does our brain apply any logic? This hypothesis is not supported by research studies so far. There are limitations associated with segregating, studying and validation of the mental models. Individual’s behaviour when confronted with new thoughts have been inadequately studied with a comparable knowledge base.

An approach was made to isolate complex knowledge and behaviours apart and study mental models, cues, and their interrelationship. Study techniques and results in this area have been challenged as the mental models seem to be not very robust and stable. The studies have been highly subjective so far.

Many of the studies couldn't map specific components of information or cues relevant throughout the formation of the mental model. The impediments that arise when implementing amendment in organizations are principally due to the established mentality of individuals.

The false sense of security and comfort of the status quo contributes to the easiness and comfort and brings down motivation to face the risk and the resulting pain. The tendency is to follow the tested and accepted behavior and to maintain the existing order of things which becomes an easier option. Especially falling in line and maintaining the status quo mantra begins to work on every new hire from the day one. However, antiquated, limiting and obstructive, the so called norm, seems to be a safe course for those who spent long years in doing the same job. We all live a life driven by established social and cultural norms with incalculable prescribed and with boundary conditions. The reason for falling in line with status quo ideals is due to the brain’s evolutionary design to resist changes. 

Breaking far from the established norm means, facing uncertainty and that causes the tendency to fall in line with popular and commonly accepted norms. Conformance is the easiest option for any normal human being to avoid stress. The organization is perpetuated through members of a group through the method of continuation by everyone around who act out the establishment's norm, and they the all become covert agents of perpetuation in preserving the existing stability. Pressure is exerted on non-conforming members to adapt to the ‘norm’ and people who are confronted with a worry of unknown future preserve the organization's mentality.\

Three typical status quo way of thinking that tended to stir up frustration and dissatisfaction especially for change initiators and implementer. Syndrome #1: Those who challenge the status-quo, must be out of their mind and wrong. Hence, one should be hostile and counter the challenge. If divided with amendment, the best behavior is to believe that there is no right and wrong; keep doing what one believes to be right. Syndrome #2: Remain in the same state and continue to act in a similar way . 

Pretend to be business as usual even if one does not have to feel good factor. Instead of exerting and putting effort to change something, even for anticipated positive benefits at future date, keep doing the same thing to feel good now; everyone is conditioned to follow the routine and have a perspective “this is that the approach; things are done for ages here this way ”. Syndrome #3: Believe that those who do not conform to the norm must be radical and should not to be supported. This is conforming to the majority with the path of the least resistance.
“Challenging the status quo” culture is itself a huge leadership task and requires extraordinary leadership skills. Such transformation needs taking steps to beat the resistance power arising out of collective establishment mentality. To break the bond with the past, leadership should work effortlessly. Emotional attachments restrain the exercise of freedom of selection.
The conscious choice to pluck the old feathers and break the aging talon, like the eagle does, is a painful choice and in the absence of strong committed leadership, the choice becomes even harder to initiate.
In Status quo change situations employees find the attempt by change agents as most unwanted because the outcome of any change proposal is perceived to be overly harmful.


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